A flow defines where a message is sent to. You can add multiple flows for a project. You also can create a HTML-template for Mailgun which are sent or only a simple plain text template. A standard recipient can also be defined which can also be sent with permission in the notification request.
Template types
You can configure this template types.
Note that you also can add the type text/html
to slack, but it is only rendered in the mail providers e.g. Mailgun.
Message template
You can only replace {{subject}}
and {{message}}
in the template. Don’t forget it, because we don’t check if this in
the template. If you don’t want a customized message, you only need to past: {{messge}}
in the template attribute.
Hi Notify team\n\nYou have received a message about '{{subject}}' from your contact form: \n\n{{message}
<h3>Hi Notify team</h3><p>You have received a message about <b>'{{subject}}'</b> from your contact form:</p><p>
You can create a flow in your project. Replace <project-id>
in the URL with your project id.
POST /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows
// defines if a flow is action and can be triggered
"active": true,
// here you can place your
"message_template": "Hi,\n\nYou have received a message about '{{subject}}' from your contact form: \n\n{{message}",
// defines the type of the message: text/html, text/plain
"message_template_type": "text/plain",
// you need to set a name for your flow. e.g. team-slack-notification
"name": "Contact form notification",
// defines if the message can override your default target
"override_target": false,
// defines where you want to be notified. e.g. slack, mailgun
"source_type": "mailgun",
// here you can past your default receiver email for mailgun or your Slack channel id
// (add the integration to your channel before connection Notify with it)
"target": "you@example.com"
You can update a existing flow in your project. Replace <project-id>
in the URL with your project id and flow-id
with your flow-id.
PUT /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows/<flow-id>
// defines if a flow is action and can be triggered
"active": true,
// here you can place your
"message_template": "Hi,\n\nYou have received a message about '{{subject}}' from your contact form: \n\n{{message}",
// defines the type of the message: text/html, text/plain
"message_template_type": "text/plain",
// you need to set a name for your flow. e.g. team-slack-notification
"name": "Contact form notification",
// defines if the message can override your default target
"override_target": false,
// defines where you want to be notified. e.g. slack, mailgun
"source_type": "mailgun",
// here you can past your default receiver email for mailgun or your Slack channel id
// (add the integration to your channel before connection Notify with it)
"target": "you@example.com"
You can list all your flows in a project. Replace <project-id>
in the URL with your project id.
GET /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows
You can get a specific flow in a project by their ID. Replace <project-id>
in the URL with your project id
and flow-id
with your flow-id.
GET /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows/<flow-id>
You can delete a specific flow in a project by their ID. Replace <project-id>
in the URL with your project id
and flow-id
with your flow-id.
DELETE /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows/<flow-id>