
At the moment you only can create resources via swagger (or cURL, …). We are working on Frontend and plan to release it the beginning of 2024.


A flow defines where a message is sent to. You can add multiple flows for a project. You also can create a HTML-template for Mailgun which are sent or only a simple plain text template. A standard recipient can also be defined which can also be sent with permission in the notification request.

Template types

You can configure this template types.

  • text/plain
  • text/html

Note that you also can add the type text/html to slack, but it is only rendered in the mail providers e.g. Mailgun.

Message template

You can only replace {{subject}} and {{message}} in the template. Don’t forget it, because we don’t check if this in the template. If you don’t want a customized message, you only need to past: {{messge}} in the template attribute.


Hi Notify team\n\nYou have received a message about '{{subject}}' from your contact form: \n\n{{message}


<h3>Hi Notify team</h3><p>You have received a message about <b>'{{subject}}'</b> from your contact form:</p><p>


You can create a flow in your project. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id.

POST /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows

  // defines if a flow is action and can be triggered
  "active": true,
  // here you can place your
  "message_template": "Hi,\n\nYou have received a message about '{{subject}}' from your contact form: \n\n{{message}",
  // defines the type of the message: text/html, text/plain
  "message_template_type": "text/plain",
  // you need to set a name for your flow. e.g. team-slack-notification
  "name": "Contact form notification",
  // defines if the message can override your default target
  "override_target": false,
  // defines where you want to be notified. e.g. slack, mailgun
  "source_type": "mailgun",
  // here you can past your default receiver email for mailgun or your Slack channel id 
  // (add the integration to your channel before connection Notify with it)
  "target": "you@example.com"


You can update a existing flow in your project. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id and flow-id with your flow-id.

PUT /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows/<flow-id>

  // defines if a flow is action and can be triggered
  "active": true,
  // here you can place your
  "message_template": "Hi,\n\nYou have received a message about '{{subject}}' from your contact form: \n\n{{message}",
  // defines the type of the message: text/html, text/plain
  "message_template_type": "text/plain",
  // you need to set a name for your flow. e.g. team-slack-notification
  "name": "Contact form notification",
  // defines if the message can override your default target
  "override_target": false,
  // defines where you want to be notified. e.g. slack, mailgun
  "source_type": "mailgun",
  // here you can past your default receiver email for mailgun or your Slack channel id 
  // (add the integration to your channel before connection Notify with it)
  "target": "you@example.com"


You can list all your flows in a project. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id.

GET /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows


You can get a specific flow in a project by their ID. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id and flow-id with your flow-id.

GET /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows/<flow-id>


You can delete a specific flow in a project by their ID. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id and flow-id with your flow-id.

DELETE /v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/flows/<flow-id>