
At the moment you only can create resources via swagger (or cURL, …). We are working on Frontend and plan to release it the beginning of 2024.


In the frontend you should not store API-keys or other credentials. For this you should work with verified hosts. Here you can use Notify.


You can add a host to your project. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id.

POST v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/hosts

  "host": "add your host e.g.",
  "stage": "prod"


You can’t update a host, because of the verification is to complex. You need to delete a host and add a new one.


You need to verify a host. For this you need to add your verify_token in your DNS (configure your own DNS). For this you need go to your domain provider (e.g. Cloudflare) and add a TXT-record with the tokens as the value. The verify_token looks like this: notify-verification::abc123-de45-fg67-hi89-jklmn01234 after this you can send the verification-request (if it fails, be aware that a DNS-record can take up to 72 hours until it is active.). Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project id.

For your development/local environment look here.

PUT v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/hosts

  "host": "add your host e.g.",
  "stage": "prod"


You can list all hosts of your project. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project-id.

GET v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/hosts


You can get a specific host in your project by their ID. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project-id and <host-id> with your host-id.

GET v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/hosts/<host-id>


You can delete a specific host in your project by their ID. Replace <project-id> in the URL with your project-id and <host-id> with your host-id.

DELETE v1/settings/projects/<project-id>/hosts/<host-id>